O fy enaid c'od/cod/cwyd dy olwg

(Iesu dan yr hoelion)
O! fy enaid! cod dy olwg,
  Gwel yn amlwg ben y bryn,
Lle bu Iesu'r Cyfaill ffyddlon,
  Dan yr hoelion dur cyn hyn:
Talodd yno swm dy ddyled -
  Gwerthfawr waed ei galon friw:
'R Oen dieuog yno'n marw,
  Minau'r euog yn cael byw!

Dacw angau wedi ei faeddu,
  Dacw'r ddraig
      a'i phen yn friw,
Dacw'r gelyn wedi ei ddala,
  Dacw'r faner hardd ei lliw;
Dacw'r frwydr wedi ei hennill,
  Er cadernid grym y tân,
Gan y Iesu'r Brawd anwyla',
  Haleluia f'enaid cân.

Dyma gariad heb ddim gwaelod,
  Dyma gariad heb ddim trai,
Dyma gariad di-gyffelyb,
  Dyma gariad sy'n parhau;
Dyma gariad a fy nghynnal,
  Tra fo ynof
      ana'l chwyth,
Dyma gariad wnaeth I'm henaid
  Ddechrau'r gan na dderfydd fyth.

Seraphiaid a Angylion cenwch,
  Dadseiniwch fawl f'Anwylyd cu,
Pan ddelwyf finnau trwy'r Iorddonen,
  Mi ganaf cuwch a neb o'r llu:
Os y pechaduriaid penna'
  A rydd Hosanna
      uwcha'u cân,
Myfi yw'r pennaf un o'r rhei'ny
  Waith hyn rhaid i mi gael y blaen.
Dafydd William c.1720-94
Gorfoledd 1777
            - - - - -

O fy enaid, c'od dy olwg,
  Gwel yn amlwg ben y bryn,
Lle bu Iesu'r Cyfaill ffyddlon,
  Dan yr hoelion dur cyn hyn;
I wneud cymod dros fy mhechod,
  Rhoddodd waed ei galon friw;
'R Oen diniwaid wela'i'n marw,
  Minau'r euog yn cael byw!

Dyma'r Câr a'r Cyfaill goraf
  I hil Adda fedd y Nef;
Mae e'n derbyn pechaduriaid -
  Mentra, f'enaid, arno ef:
Gwaed yr Oen ar ben Calfaria
  'M cadwodd i o'r fflamau tân!
Chwant sydd arnaf ganumoliant
  Byth i'r fath Waredwr glân.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844
            - - - - -

O! fy enaid, c'od dy olwg,
  Gwel yn amlwg ben y bryn,
Lle bu Iesu'r Cyfaill ffyddlon,
  Dan yr hoelion dur cyn hyn:
I wneyd cymmod dros fy mhecod,
  Rhoddodd waed ei galon friw:
'R Oen diniweid welai'n marw,
  Minau'r euog yn cael byw!

Iesu, Cyfaill pechaduriaid,
  Welai'n hongian ar y pren,
Dyn a'r Duwdod ynddo'n trigo,
  'N barod grymu lawr ei ben,
Gwelaf etto fwy rhyfeddod,
  Yn ei wyneb angeu loes;
Hedd yn rhedeg tros Galfaria,
  Fel yr afon tan y groes.

Dyma Frenhin, dyma Brophwyd,
  Dyma Archoffeiriad mawr;
Brawd a Phriod i bechadur,
  Ceidwad llon
      i lwch y llawr:
Cyfoeth nef sy'n dod i'r golwg
  Rhwng y lladron ar y pren,
Angeu'i hun yn cwrdd â'i angau
  Trwy rym angau
      Crist ein Pen.
Emynau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883
            - - - - -

O! fy enaid, cwyd dy olwg,
  Gwel yn amlwg ben y bryn,
Lle bu Iesu, 'r Cyfaill ffyddlawn,
  Dan yr hoelion dur cyn hyn;
Talodd yno swm dy ddyled,
  Gwerthfawr waed ei galon friw:
'R Oen diniwed yno'n marw -
  Minau'r euog yn cael byw.

Draw ar gopa
    bryn Golgotha,
  Bu'r ymladdfa fwya' erioed;
'R Oen heb gleddeu na grym arfau,
  'N sathru dreigiau dan ei droed;
Er ei ludded mawr a'i syched,
  Yn gorchfygu uffern lu;
Eto ffynon yn ei galon
  I olchi'n wyn yr Ethiop du.

Wele Sinai a Chalfaria,
  Heddyw wedi dod y'nghyd -
Sylwedd mawr yr holl gysgodau,
  Yn wynebu'r dwyfol lid:
Dacw'r cleddyf wedi deffro -
  Llyfrau'r ddeddf yn d'od y'mlaen;
Dacw aur y gwaredigion,
  Wedi ei buro yn y tân.
1: Dafydd William c.1720-94
2: David Davies 1763-1816
3: Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tonau [8787D]:
Achor (<1876)
Arfon (alaw Gymreig/Ffrengig)
Carmel (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1809-47)
Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)
Eifionydd (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Engedi (J E Jones 1856-1927)
Pisgah (David Evans 1874-1948)
Port Penrhyn (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
Prysgol (William Owen 1813-93)
Trefaldwyn (John Owen 1821-83)

  Beth yw'r udgorn glywa'i'n seinio?
  Draw ar gopa bryn Golgotha
  Dyma babell y cyfarfod
  Dyma Frenhin dyma Brophwyd
  Dyma gariad heb ddim gwaelod
  F'enaid gwęl i ben Calfaria
  Iesu Cyfaill pechaduriaid (Wela'i'n hongian ar y pren)
  Iesu Grist un rhyfedd ydyw
  Priod y drag'wyddol hanfod
  Wele Sinai a Chalfaria

(Jesus under the nails)
O my soul, raise thy sight!
  See evident the head of the hill!
Where Jesus the faithful Friend was
  Under the steel nails before now:
He paid there the full amount of our debt -
  The precious blood of his wounded heart:
The guiltless Lamb there dying,
  Whereas I the guilty one getting to live!

There is death having been beaten,
  There is the dragon
      with his head bruised,
There is the enemy having been caught,
  There is the banner of beautiful colour;
There is the battle having been won,
  Despite the strong force of the fire,
By Jesus the most beloved Brother,
  Hallelujah, my soul, sing!

Here is love without any bottom,
  Here is love without any ebbing,
Here is love unequalled,
  Here is love which is enduring;
Here is love which upholds me,
  While ever there is breath
      within me blowing,
Here is love which made my soul
  Begin the song that shall never end.

Seraphim and angels, sing ye,
  Resound ye the praise of my dear Beloved,
When I come through the Jordan,
  I will sing as loud as any of the host:
If the chief sinners
  Shall render Hosanna
      with their loudest song,
I am the chief of those
  Therefore I must get the priority.
                 - - - - -

O my soul, raise thy gaze,
  See evident the summit of the hill,
Where Jesus, the faithful Friend, was
  Under the steel nails in the past;
To make reconciliation for my sin,
  He gave the blood of his wounded heart;
The innocent Lamb I see dying,
  I the guilty one getting to live!

Here is the Kinsman and the best Friend
  For Adam's race to possess heaven;
He is receiving sinners -
  Venture, my soul, upon him:
The blood of the Lamb on Calvary's summit
  Kept me from the flames of fire!
A desire I have to sing praise
  Forever to such a holy Deliverer.
                - - - - -

O my soul, raise thy gaze!
  See evident the summit of the hill,
Where Jesus, the faithful Friend, was
  Under the steel nails in the past:
To make reconciliation for my sin,
  He give the blood of his wounded heart:
The innocent lamb I see dying,
  I the guilty getting to live!

Jesus, Friend of sinners,
  I see hanging on the tree,
Man and the Godhead in him dwelling,
  Already bowing down his head,
I see yet a greater wonder
  In his face of the throes of death;
Peace running over Calvary,
  Like the river under the cross.

Here is a King, here is a Prophet,
  Here is a great High Priest;
A Brother and Spouse to a sinner,
  A cheerful Saviour
      to the dust of the ground:
The wealth of heaven is coming into view
  Between the thieves on the tree,
Death itself meeting with its death
  Through the force of the death
      of Christ our head.
                - - - - -

O my soul, raise thy gaze!
  See clearly the head of the hill,
Where was Jesus, the faithful Friend,
  Under the steel nails once;
He paid there the sum of thy debt,
  The precious blood of his wounded heart:
The innocent Lamb there dying -
  Whereas I the guilty one gets to live.

Yonder on the summit
    of the hill of Golgotha,
  Was the greatest ever slaughter;
The Lamb without swords or force of arm,
  Trampling dragons under his foot;
Despite his great fatigue and his thirst,
  Overcoming hell's host;
Still a spring in his heart
  To wash white the black Ethiopian.

See Sinai and Calvary,
  Today having come together -
The great substance of all the shadows,
  Facing the divine wrath:
Yonder the sword having awoken -
  The books of the law coming forward;
Yonder the gold of the redeemed
  Having been purified in the fire.
tr. 2016,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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